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2014.04.16. 07:02 | Sassa | Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: poem meeting literature centrifuga tunisia sahar ammar mahmud darwish ghada samman vittorio arrigoni

In the second part of the presentation readers can watch three videos of Sahar Ammar’s, that show her literary performances.
The following article does not necessarily represent the views and beliefs of the Literary Centrifuge and it's editors, we would only like to demonstrate different views.

shar_baku.jpgSahar’s own words about her poetry, her relationship with the contemporary history and incidenses:
I wrote and performed these poems in the occasion of three cultural events titled "Scent of Palestine’s Wind ", so these poems (titled: the silk of doves, the dream of the last third part, is enough with the homeland as a dream) are talking about the Palestinian issue, the sufferance which Palestinians live every day and about their dreams. In fact, in most of my poems and my stories, I deal with human issues such as supporting people's movements for freedom including the Tunisian revolution for example, environmental issues and pollution which threatens our beautiful planet, I wrote also about childhood: suffering and problems on both familial and social relationships, about the war that damages children’s lives and about children who can’t enjoy their vital and basic rights such as health and education.
Tunisians are strongly related to culture and literature. In fact, Tunisia gave birth to many of the poets and writers. Here we are really interested in culture in all its manifestations such as literature and history. We consider culture as a source of splendor and attraction that motivate people to visit Tunisia. Today Tunisia is making a major effort to give literature and culture an important value especially after the selection of Sfax, the second largest city in Tunis as a capital of the Arabic culture for the year 2016. So the associations of the civil society as well as the government launched a lot of cultural and literary events to encourage young people to read and show their talents and they work hard to consolidate and enhance the status of literature.

Concerning the engaged literature, due to political and social factors, this kind of literature has a special value in the soul of Tunisians. It appeared during the period of resistance against the colonization and also during the revolution of 2011 against the dictatorship.
The Palestinian issue has a particular impact in the hearts of Tunisians. We are intimately close to Palestinians. Due to many factors, the two nations have relations of brotherhood, friendship and support.
However some kinds of literary works, for example the revolutionary poems, require a strong performance that expresses the depth and the stubbornness of the feelings and values such as resistance, determination …
Generally, the way of performance varies according to the subject of the literary work and to the writer himself because literary work translates the feelings of the writer , his ideas and messages that live in the depth of  his spirit as well as his personality and his vision.

The number of writers and books published are increasing each year especially after the revolution because there is no censorship on books, writings and publication. In fact, actually in Tunisia we live in an ambience of liberty of expression and creation and of respect of writer’s rights so that everyone can write and publish about any subject on literature and politics. sahar ammar_vagott.jpgAnd I strongly believe in this citation of Mahmud Darwish “A nation without poetry is a defeated nation”.
Before the revolution with the old political regime it was hard to talk, write and to organize cultural manifestations about the Palestinian issue. So that after the revolution, we found the free space to create a national consciousness about this issue through poems and literary works. And I consider it really important for all nations to read about the Palestinian issue for two principal reasons.
On one hand, this issue has a long history, people there fight and struggle for proving their existence since an old date. I think it's time to find a solution in this area to re-establish peace and justice. This would be a great step for creating a peaceful, tolerant and equal world. And as a part of the world we have to contribute to this.
On the other hand, I always mention 3 citations which hold a great meaning
"All the hearts of people are my nationality so bring down the passport" (Mahmud Darwish)
"Every human being suffering in this moment in any place of the world is my friend. I'm a grain of sand on the beach of humanity" ( Ghada Samman)
"Stay human!" (Vittorio Arrigoni)

I strongly believe in the principle of humanity. Everyone should always remember that he/she is a human being, a part of humanity and the world. He/She should believe that there is no nationality or political, ideological, religious beliefs that separate a human being and keep him/her away of his brother/sister in humanity. So, it's not only about Palestinian issue, it's also about other human issues that we should, as human beings be a part of in order to defend human rights and to develop our world.
It's the case of the novel titled "Waiting for the rainbow". In this book, the writer takes us to live real stories from different places and times, from Beirut to Congo, Florence, France, Japan, Damascus, London , Russia ...  It's the same human being everywhere whatever his nationality, it's the same ambition of freedom and the same feelings of love.

I strongly believe in the principle of humanity. Everyone should always remember that he/she is a human being, a part of humanity and the world. He/She should believe that there is no nationality or political, ideological, religious beliefs that separate a human being and keep him/her away of his brother/sister in humanity. So, it's not only about Palestinian issue, it's also about other human issues that we should, as human beings be a part of in order to defend human rights and to develop our world.
It's the case of the novel titled "Waiting for the rainbow". In this book, the writer takes us to live real stories from different places and times, from Beirut to Congo, Florence, France, Japan, Damascus, London , Russia ...  It's the same human being everywhere whatever his nationality, it's the same ambition of freedom and the same feelings of love.


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